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The Korf Blog

The inside story: our research,
development and opinions

4 January 2018
What are We Planning for 2018?
2018 is upon us! The team at Korf Audio wishes you luck, prosperity, happiness and a lot of great music to listen to in the New Year!

What are we going to busy ourselves with in 2018?
While the armtube experiment is over, we're definitely not going to look away from the tonearms. The plans for 2018 include vibrometric examination of more popular tonearms, including various flavours of SME 3009 and the long-requested study of a Technics arm as fitted to a 1200SL.

If time permits, we'll also examine a state of the art tonearm or two. The exact identities will stay secret for now, but both are great sounding and much coveted arms!

In our research, we rely on a library of close to 100 cartridges, from vintage GE VR to modern European and Japanese offerings. We know a lot about them and are happy to share our knowledge with you!

One thing we will definitely do is a comparison of vibration profiles between popular MM and MC cartridges. Accepted wisdom says MC cartridges emit a lot more energy and thus are more difficult for tonearms to handle. Is that so? Stay with us and you'll find out.
While tonearms and cartridges are exciting, there are so many other parts in a turntable that matter a lot. Plinths, bearings, platters, motors... We've analyzed a lot of them, and will tell you both the findings and how we got them.

In particular, measuring plinth resonances is considered nearly impossible and is thus often overlooked. Actually, it's cheap and fun to do, and we'll tell you how!
Mystery Devices!
It would just be no fun if we didn't leave something to the imagination. Expect surprises from Korf Audio in 2018. We've designed things for others, but maybe — just maybe — it's time we put our own name on something very special? That is one more reason to stay with us this year!

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